Sunday, July 29, 2018

Bad pedestrians are driving me crazy!

We've all heard complaints about bad drivers and bad cyclists. But there's another group of people we hear about a lot less. Bad pedestrians. And nowadays, they've been driving me nuts. I live in a very busy neighbourhood in Toronto, so of course I see plenty of traffic every day, both on wheels and on foot. What's driving me to the wall is that a lot of the folks pounding the pavement with their feet think they're invincible, so they'll do pretty much any stupid thing in the book while they're walking about. It's like they're oblivious to the world around them.

As you might expect, most of my issues with bad pedestrians come up when I've driving. Jaywalking is the most common infraction that I see among people walking in my area, but I have a bigger problem with the idiots who think it's okay to cross the street when the light is red and believe they're guaranteed not to be struck by a vehicle. I also get really pissed off at the morons who have their heads in their cellphones or are talking and/or texting when they're crossing the street. Hell, I've even seen people jaywalking while using their cellphones. How dangerous and stupid can you be!? Then there's the people who cross the street at the last moment before the light turns red yet don't even have the decency to hurry up so that they're not in the intersection when the cars get a green light. Okay, if you're old or disabled and you can't get across in time, I'll give you a pass. As for the rest of you, MOVE YOUR ASSES!

Now in the interests of fairness, I don't make myself out to be a perfect pedestrian any more than I could pretend to be the perfect driver. I jaywalk every now and then. It's hard to blame people for doing it when the nearest crosswalk is ten blocks away, although if you must jaywalk, at least don't do it while using a cellphone and not paying attention. I've even crossed the street while using my cellphone a couple of times, though I certainly don't make a habit of it like a lot of other people do. Yes, we've all done stupid things while walking in busy neighbourhoods. The problem is that too many people are making a habit of not being responsible while navigating on foot. I just wish that bad pedestrians were as accountable for their actions as motorists are expected to be.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Mayor John Tory has to go

Four years ago, I and many other Torontonians elected John Tory as mayor of our great city. I supported him because I wanted someone who wasn't divisive, like late former mayor Rob Ford was. John Tory seemed to fit the bill. But over the years, he has gone from simply wanting to reach a consensus with other city politicians to basically giving them everything they want. For example, he's let the city's would-be social engineers run wild, installing bicycle lanes where they shouldn't be and making it harder and harder for anyone who dares to drive an automobile in this city to get from point A to point B. The social engineers wanted bike lanes on Bloor. He let it happen. They wanted bike lanes on Woodbine. He let it happen. They wanted a streetcar right-of-way on King St. between Bathurst and Jarvis. He let it happen. And what are the results of these social engineering projects? More traffic chaos and a significant hit to the bottom lines of many businesses.

Tory has also spent much of his time and effort trying to appease the folks on the militant left. Groups like Black Lives Matter, which to me is nothing but a hate group. The police have had their hands tied by the mayor and the rest of the stooges of political correctness. As a result, gun crime has soared, the latest incidence of which was yesterday's shooting near Danforth and Logan in Greektown that killed two people and injured fourteen others. Drug dealers and other criminals are taking over the city's downtown core, while the mayor and the rest of the incompetents on Council refuse to clean up the mess left by users of the safe-injection sites and homeless shelters that the city has set up. As a result, folks who live near these homeless shelters and safe-injection sites have to deal with things like dirty needles, human feces and the fear of being accosted by some of the people using these services.

Clearly, Mayor John Tory lacks a backbone. He doesn't have the courage to stand up to the city's social engineers and militant, cop-hating groups like Black Lives Matter. Hence, I can no longer support him. I want someone who's going to clean up this city and stand up to the folks who are making it worse. What I would really like is a Torontonian version of Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, who made that vast metropolis livable again. He got rid of much of the city's criminal elements, despite the overwhelming opposition he faced for his methods. We need someone like him in Toronto. Someone who will put fear into criminals and give power back to our police force. Someone who will get this city moving, instead of making war on the car and making it harder for the vast majority of this city's residents to get from place to place. If such a person exists, would that person please stand up and run for Toronto's mayoralty this fall? I and many other Torontonians would really appreciate it.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Bibi, do the right thing and allow Israel's LGBTQ community to access surrogacy services

Today, members of Israel's LGBTQ community took to the streets to protest the recently passed Surrogacy Law, which mandates the use of surrogacy services to Israelis unable to conceive children, but which excludes the LGBTQ community from accessing those services. They have the support of several well-known Israeli businesses, who allowed their employees to skip work to take part in the protests. As a fellow Israeli citizen, I would also like to give my wholehearted support to these people in their ongoing struggle for equality.

Now just to be fair, Israel is light years ahead of other countries in the Middle East in terms of its tolerance for people who are gay, bisexual, transgender, etc. In fact, it's the only country in the region where a person who is a member of the LGBTQ community can live without the constant fear of persecution and even death for the lifestyle they have chosen. Nevertheless, members of this community still significant discrimination in the country's laws and are still victims of persecution and hate in various sectors of Israeli society. Having children and raising a family is a fundamental human right, so not allowing Israelis in the LGBTQ community to access services of surrogate mothers is a clear violation of this right. Therefore, I call on Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government to amend the Surrogacy Law to allow members of the LGBTQ community to access these services and take another step towards equal rights in Israel.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Israel's new Basic Law wastes time and changes nothing

The Knesset recently passed the new Basic Law: Israel - The Nation-state of the Jewish People and everyone's making a fuss about it. The usual folks who want to see Israel destroyed and its Jewish population thrown into the sea are predictably calling the new law racist and equating it with apartheid. Some are simply calling it provocative. But the adjective I would use to describe the new Basic Law is redundant. It doesn't say anything that hasn't already been said in other pieces of the state's legislation, nor does it change anything.

Contrary to what Israel's enemies say, the law does not mandate Jewish-only settlements, nor does it compromise the status of Arabic as an official language. In fact, when I look at the text of the new Basic Law, I can't help but say to myself, "Tell me something I don't already know." The people who drafted this law might as well have written down, the sky is blue and the grass is green. Now if you folks who were elected by the Israeli people to govern could stop wasting your time trying to determine who is the most Zionist among you and focus on the country's real problems, that would be great.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Israel: Don't Deport Migrants Back to Danger in Africa. Why Not Send Them to Canada?

Israel has quite a moral dilemma on its hands as its leaders decide what to do with tens of thousands of migrants from Africa who have entered the country illegally over the past few years. Our government wants to get rid of these people, as do many Israelis, describing them as "infiltrators", because many of them come from countries that are hostile to Israel. Not all Israelis, however, share the view that these people represent a threat to the country and should be deported as soon as possible. I am one of them.

Yes, many of these migrants are from countries hostile to Israel. Yes, some recent criminal activity in Israel has been attributed to these people. Yes, many of them are probably not genuine asylum seekers and have made their way out of their home countries and into Israel for economic reasons. And yes, Israel must ensure secure borders, meaning that no one can be allowed to cross the border illegally. After all, a porous border is a threat to the security of Israeli citizens. But I still think that Israel needs to be more compassionate to these people. Not to the extent of allowing all of them to remain in the country, but by allowing them to keep their dignity and their lives. Simply deporting these people back to Africa, to third countries like Rwanda or Uganda, is wrong and contravenes both Jewish and universal morals. Our Bible teaches us to treat the foreigners among us with compassion, reminding us of our bitter bondage in Egypt. Our most recent history also teaches us that we should treat people looking for a better life with dignity and tolerance, lest we forget that when the Nazis were slaughtering us by the millions, those of us trying to escape the Holocaust were turned away by most countries. We as Jews cannot show the same disrespect and intolerance shown to us in the past, otherwise we are no better than those who closed their borders to us and let millions of us perish in the concentration camps. In fact, for this reason, some Holocaust survivors have publicly discouraged Israel from deporting the African migrants.

Now just to be fair, Israel has already shown these people a lot more compassion than some of its neighbours. In fact, if these people had been caught in Egypt trying to cross the border into Israel, they may not be alive today. They may have been shot and killed as soon as they came within sight of Egyptian authorities, as has happened in the past. Yet the world's media makes Israel look like the villain for wanting to deport the migrants. At least in Israel, these people have a roof over their heads and food to eat. They are not tortured and killed as they are in the Arab world simply because they have darker skin and non-Arab heritage.

So what should Israel do with these people? Well, a few days ago, it appeared that a solution had been found when the Israeli government reached an agreement with the United Nations to deport half of the migrants to Western countries that would be willing to take them, including Canada. The remaining migrants would be allowed to stay in Israel. But under pressure from members of his coalition government and his own party, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly reneged on the deal. Now we're back to square one.

In his heart, I think Bibi knows that deporting the migrants back to Africa is wrong. But of course, he's a politician and most politicians want to stay in power above all else. He still has a chance, however, to remove the migrants from Israel and still be humanitarian and compassionate while doing so. The deal with the U.N. may be dead, but I think the idea of Western countries taking in some or all of the African migrants. Now of course, immigration of any kind is very unpopular in Europe and the U.S. right now. But Canada is still welcoming immigrants with open arms. Indeed, Canada represents the other extreme of immigration policy. That policy being to open the borders to anyone who wants to come, with little regard for whether or not potential newcomers will be a benefit or a burden to the country. In light of this, I think that Israel should approach the Canadian government about taking some or all of the African migrants, and should do so as soon as possible.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Another Israeli lost to Palestinian terrorism. Enough is enough!

Today, Israel lost another one of its sons to terrorism. Raziel Shevah, a 35 year old father of six, was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in a drive-by shooting. The terrorist has yet to be caught. We've heard this kind of story over and over again. Israelis being shot, stabbed, run over by cars, or killed in any other way that Palestinian terrorist minds can think of.

So how do we put an end to this crap, because clearly what we're doing right now isn't working. We put terrorists in jail, we destroy their houses and still the attacks continue. I think it's time we tried something new. One idea that's been bandied about lately is giving death sentences to terrorists. I honestly don't think that's going to work. In fact, it might even encourage more attacks as many would-be terrorists seek martyrdom. So why give them what they want?

I think the ultimate solution to preventing more terrorist attacks and more Israeli deaths lies in curtailing the promotion of extremism and terrorism. This starts, above all, with Palestinian children. Each and every day, young Palestinians are taught to hate Israel and the Jewish people. They are told that Israel and its people need to be destroyed and that they should sacrifice their lives to achieve this objective. It makes me wonder why, after being in control of Judea and Samaria for more than five decades, has Israel not taken control of what Palestinian youth are taught. Indeed, it is my contention that in order to reduce the incidence of terrorism against our citizens, Israel must assume control over Palestinian education. We've let the likes of UNRWA, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority pollute the minds of young Palestinians for far too long and it's time to put a stop to it.

But of course, re-shaping the minds of young Palestinians will take time. I would say, at least a generation, if not longer. So what about the here and now? I think a good short-term solution would be to convince the Palestinians that killing Israelis will not drive us from Judea and Samaria, but will do just the opposite. To do this, I suggest that each time one of our people is killed by a Palestinian terrorist, we respond by formally annexing one of the communities that we have built in Judea and Samaria. So for example, since a Palestinian terrorist has just murdered a very upstanding Israeli citizen in Raziel Shevah, leaving his six children fatherless, including an eight-month old baby, Israel should respond by passing a law formally annexing, say, Maale Adumim, Gush Etzion, or one of the other thriving communities we've built in our Biblical homeland.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Will Iran's Islamist dictators launch a war against Israel to save their skins?

Today, I read a summary of Israel's Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Strategic Assessment for this year. Among other things, the assessment talks about the possibility of another war breaking out on Israel's northern front, which would involve Hezbollah and possibly Syria and Iran. The worst case scenario involves a conflict involving all of the aforementioned three. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think that this assessment was done in time to take into consideration the popular uprising now taking place in Iran. I mention the assessment and the Iran protests in the same context because I think those protests could increase the chances of the worst case scenario taking place.

History teaches us that ruling regimes often use foreign wars in order to deflect their people's attention away from domestic problems. Remember the period between George W. Bush's inauguration as U.S. President and the September 11th attacks? Bush had won what was arguably the most controversial election in American history, ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court voting along party lines and handing him the presidency. As Michael Moore noted in his film Fahrenheit 911, Bush struggled to get any of his agenda carried out and looked like a lame duck president. I was an undergraduate at the University of Toronto at the time, and I still remember one of my professors predicting that Bush would be a lame duck president because of the way he got elected. But then 9/11 happened. After that, Americans rallied around the flag and their president in the war on terror. And the rest is history.

Right now, Iran's Islamist regime is facing a full-scale revolt by the Iranian people. It's not surprising that they're accusing their enemies of sowing the seeds of dissent in the Islamic Republic. I think there is a real possibility that Iran's Islamist rulers will try and instigate a conflict with Israel in order to refocus their people's attention. Just think about it for a moment. If Iran attacked Israel, the Jewish state would certainly retaliate and the Islamists could use the destruction that such retaliation would bring in order to rally Iran's people behind the flag and end the uprising, just as U.S. President George W. Bush used the 9/11 attacks to deflect attention from his unpopularity. It's a frightening thought, but unfortunately it's quite possible for such a scenario to play out.